Shop Buddha Birdie

Cards, Mugs & Prints!

From  cards to mugs - let's put a bird on it! Custom prints available with any bird, birds on a wire, and can include someone's name too!

Books , card packs and stickers are available in the online store

To place a custom order for cards, mugs and/or prints, email

"The cutest bird cards that bring joy to whoever receives them!" - Buddha Birdie customer

Cards & Prints

Buddha birdies are available as cards or prints! You can get a variety card pack, one style, and prints can be done in any size. 

Birdie Mugs

Choose a birdie to display on a custom 15 oz mug. One bird can be featured on both sides - or pick 2 birds to double the fun!

Birdie Books!

Little Birdie Buddies of Minnesota & Wisconsin is available direct or through Amazon.

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